Gua Sha

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Gua sha (pronounced gwah-shaw) is a practice derived from traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and involves rolling or scraping a smooth “healing” stone across the skin. Gua sha is also called scraping, spooning, or coining.

This ancient therapy offers a unique approach to better skincare and overall health by relieving body aches and relaxing sore muscles.

Gua Sha provides therapeutic benefits for health and well-being beyond basic relaxation. When used properly, this ancient tool targets relief and rejuvenation at both the surface and deeper tissue levels.

Gua Sha Video

The best way to understand Gua Sha is to watch a professional demonstrate it. Check out this short video where Lilly performs the technique.

Reno Massage Tree - Gua Sha

Gua Sha Benefits

Unwinds tight muscles to relieve pressure points – After a long day of hiking in the mountains, your calves may be in great pain. A good massage may loosen the tight muscles and relieve pressure points. With Gua Sha from Reno Massage Tree, your therapist will scrape along the calf muscles, applying firm and even pressure. You will feel the knots start to loosen their grip. Layers of tension are released, melting away discomfort. Within minutes, the tightness and pain substantially decreased. Your calves feel lengthened and supported rather than constricted.

Gua Sha helps unwind stubborn knots, ease pressure points, and relieve pain. It lengthens muscles and improves mobility and flexibility. Regular use can even help prevent the formation of knots and tightness.

Reduces inflammation and aids arthritis and joint swelling – Inflammation has settled into your joints, remaining in constant irritation and discomfort. Over-the-counter anti-inflammatories provided only temporary relief from pain, while repeated corticosteroid injections caused undesirable side effects. You needed a natural remedy to help modulate inflammation and promote long-term joint health.

Under this condition, Gua Sha is a good choice, which is excellent for reducing inflammation in a targeted yet gentle manner.

Indeed, Gua Sha gently breaks up inflammation and metabolic congestion. It helps flush waste products from joints, connective tissue, and surrounding muscles. Used regularly, it can help manage chronic inflammation, reduce the frequency/severity of flare-ups, and promote long-term joint health/mobility.

Boost skin health and radiance and reduce fine lines – As the years pass, your skin shows signs of damage and dullness. Fine lines form around your eyes and mouth, while dark spots dot your neck and hands. You want to improve skin tone and radiance without harsh chemicals, drugs, or medical procedures. Natural rejuvenation is the key.

Side Effects And Risks

Gua sha causes tiny blood vessels near the skin’s surface called capillaries to burst. This creates the distinctive red or purple bruises known as sha. The bruises usually take a few days or a week to heal and can be tender while healing.

Gua sha practitioners should not break the skin during the treatment, but there is a risk it could happen. Broken skin increases the possibility of infection, so your gua sha practitioner will always sterilize their tools between treatments.

Does It Hurt?

Like Cupping, it’s sometimes done so forcefully that it leaves behind heavy red marks or bruising. However, your massage therapist will work with you to understand your desired outcome and comfort level.

If you’d prefer a gentle, relaxing experience over a red-streaked back, no problem; make your needs and boundaries known.

People Who Should Not Have Gua Sha Include Those:

  • who have medical conditions affecting the skin or veins
  • who bleed easily
  • who take medication to thin their blood
  • who have deep vein thrombosis
  • who have an infection, tumor, or wound that has not healed fully
  • who have an implant, such as a pacemaker or internal defibrillator

Ready To Give Gua Sha A Try?

Overall, Gua Sha helps stimulate collagen production, improves lymphatic drainage, and increases oxygen flow to the skin. It helps flush metabolic waste, toxins, and excess fluid from dermal and subcutaneous layers. When used regularly, it can help reduce signs of aging, brighten skin tone, diminish age spots, and keep skin firm, lifted, and youthful.